There comes a point in time where a Curriculum Vitae (hereafter referred to as a CV) is required to apply for a job, a scholarship, to further studies, for an internship - whatever the case may be. This applies to almost everybody, whether one is a learner, a student, a graduate or an employee. It is reasonable to conclude that if minimal effort is put in completing a CV, there is a greater chance that the CV will not be effective in our application. The Workplace-Readiness Skills Workshop that I mentioned in earlier posts included a section on CVs. In this article I share the importance of a CV in relation to the recruitment process, the particulars of a CV and guidelines on how to write it, as communicated at the workshop by the HR consultant Mr Thando Melane. I also include information regarding elements of a CV, obtained from the Office of Student Development at the University of the Western Cape. P.S: The article is focused more...
A student blog that shares common student challenges faced at varsity through my personal experience, as well as possible solutions thereto. It includes information that prepares students for the working environment, obtained from personal experience, workshops and programs attended. It also serves as a platform for discussions among learners, students, lecturers, graduates, trainees and professionals to share their concerns, advice and experiences in relation to topics raised.