I’ve realized that the way I dress portrays my character and who I truly am, and since I’m no longer at school and working, I must be dressed in clothes wherever I am: work, church, or generally when I’m out. I no longer have the option to wear uniform. It was easy to not pay attention to what I wear or how I wear when I was at school: in crèche, grandma took care of that; in primary school and high school we wore uniform for most of that period. Then university came, and I had to always have an outfit for every single day that I was attending lectures…well, not necessarily an outfit, but I just had to have clothes on and couldn’t depend on wearing the same thing - uniform. I love clothes – absolutely love them! I love dressing up, and I like to keep it as simple as possible. I’m forced to wear clothes - there’s no option to wear uniform, which is great, but also quite costly. It’s not just the clothes that portray me - it’s also how I wear them, the type of clothes I choose...
A student blog that shares common student challenges faced at varsity through my personal experience, as well as possible solutions thereto. It includes information that prepares students for the working environment, obtained from personal experience, workshops and programs attended. It also serves as a platform for discussions among learners, students, lecturers, graduates, trainees and professionals to share their concerns, advice and experiences in relation to topics raised.