You have to admit that throughout the whole blog, the blog posts have been encouraging hard work, dedication, focus, efficiency in both studies and work. What about taking a breather from all of that to refresh and rejuvenate? The importance of taking breaks is actually not hidden at all. We get lunch breaks during school and tertiary. Even at work - there are tea breaks and lunch hour. The unfortunate thing, which I’ve witnessed both at tertiary and at the workplace, is that I’d find people doing work during their breaks: students perhaps doing admin things like photocopying or printing out notes; and employees trying to get done with the workload that is more than enough for one person within the limited working hours. My concern, particularly when breaks are disregarded in the workplace, is that one gets overworked and ends up making mistakes. We are not machines but humans. Let’s look into the purpose of...
A student blog that shares common student challenges faced at varsity through my personal experience, as well as possible solutions thereto. It includes information that prepares students for the working environment, obtained from personal experience, workshops and programs attended. It also serves as a platform for discussions among learners, students, lecturers, graduates, trainees and professionals to share their concerns, advice and experiences in relation to topics raised.