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Showing posts from May, 2019

32. To-do list - simply the best!

To-do lists! It's quite easy to disregard this. In fact, I myself never paid attention to it, and it's very easy to not think much of it when you're just a learner/ student with not much responsibilities - you know more or less what you must do and don't need to-do lists to remind you, right? Well, wait until you're all grown up and have a million and a half things to attend to (Lol!). Reaction when you have a million and a half things to attend to! Lol! For me currently, I have quite a bit of responsibilities, or rather things I choose to do with my time that are important to me. Let me give you a break-down: - I am a trainee accountant: Monday to Friday, working hours - I serve at my church (Christ Kingdom Life International) for Sunday services, and avail myself for any additional projects. I have to prepare and avail myself every week. - I edit and help publish books for people who want to write and publish books throug...