To-do lists! It's quite easy to disregard this. In fact, I myself never paid attention to it, and it's very easy to not think much of it when you're just a learner/ student with not much responsibilities - you know more or less what you must do and don't need to-do lists to remind you, right? Well, wait until you're all grown up and have a million and a half things to attend to (Lol!). Reaction when you have a million and a half things to attend to! Lol! For me currently, I have quite a bit of responsibilities, or rather things I choose to do with my time that are important to me. Let me give you a break-down: - I am a trainee accountant: Monday to Friday, working hours - I serve at my church (Christ Kingdom Life International) for Sunday services, and avail myself for any additional projects. I have to prepare and avail myself every week. - I edit and help publish books for people who want to write and publish books throug...
A student blog that shares common student challenges faced at varsity through my personal experience, as well as possible solutions thereto. It includes information that prepares students for the working environment, obtained from personal experience, workshops and programs attended. It also serves as a platform for discussions among learners, students, lecturers, graduates, trainees and professionals to share their concerns, advice and experiences in relation to topics raised.